Thank you to all our volunteers

As the ski season winds down (yes, there is still some snow and you can still ski if you’re keen) we would like to thank all the people who contributed to the Wells and Area Trails Society this year. Whether you made a cash donation or you showed up to assist with trail work or the Gourmet Ski, your contribution was appreciated! It was a challenging year in some respects with many equipment breakdowns, but the outcome was fantastic! With assistance from member donations we were able to purchase a brand new Ski Doo Expedition LE. Many thanks to the Wells Barkerville Community Forest, whose generous contributions towards trail maintenance costs within the community forest allowed us to put needed funds towards the snowmobile.

New Snowmobile being delivered

Mind you there are still equipment repairs to be made. Our roller, which is essential with the deep snowfalls we have, will need to be repaired again before next winter. And we are currently looking for ways and means to purchase a Ginzu groomer, hopefully for next season, so your donations are always welcome!

A special thankyou to Eric Anderson for emergency repairs to the roller.
The roller rocks the deep snow!

In the summer and fall months there is always brushing and trail clearing to be done, Much appreciation goes to Ian MacDonald for many hours of volunteer time both grooming and running the brush saw.

Our AGM was held on April 29th and we are looking forward to planning for our next year and beyond. We hope to develop a new Master Plan in conjunction with the Wells Barkerville Community Forest. We would like to welcome our new Board member Darryl Koekemoer, who has a great interest in developing mountain bike trails. Our Board is: President – Dave Jorgenson, Vice-President – Jenn Lewis, Secretary – Judy Campbell, Treasurer – Deb McKay, Directors – Cheryl MacCarthy and Darryl Koekemoer.

See you on the trails!

Categories: Uncategorised


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