<![if !vml]><![endif]>A combination of last week’s cold weather and last night’s 5cm fresh snow made for great skiing today. The meadow is frozen tight and Andrew’s early packing provides a good base. There is a go-anywhere crust on the old snow so you can easily ski off trail. Even Read more…

Thursday 1st March 2018

Since setting tracks last week it seems to have snowed almost non-stop (OK, that’s a slight exaggeration, but it has snowed A LOT), and today I finally got out and packed the trails – not only has work been getting in the way, but the skiing at Troll was so Read more…

Thursday 22nd February 2018

The Wells ski trails have been groomed today – they are currently in excellent shape. Cornish Mountain Road was set to the 1st viewpoint, Coronado Road was set for it’s entire length, all meadow trails were set (including Moose Island Loop and Jola’s Cut-off), the A and B loops were Read more…

Sunday 18th February 2018

In the last 5 days we had 30cm of fresh snow here in Wells. All trails were packed and set ready for yesterday’s 12th Wells International Gourmet Ski, which was another sellout success. The trails are still in very good condition, and with the clear sunny skies that are forecast Read more…

Thursday 1st February 2018

Following the fresh snowfall earlier this week, all trails have been prepared. All meadow trails (including Moose Island Loop and Jola’s Cut-off), Cornish Mountain Road and Coronado Road have been track set. The A and B Loops have been packed flat. The ski conditions are currently very good.

25th January 2018

Finally we have had some more snow, and hopefully the temperatures will spend more time below zero. The following trails have been set. Cornish Mountain Road has been set to the 2nd viewpoint. It has been packed to One Mile Road (Downey Pass Road), but needs a little more snow Read more…