Hooray, the trees are white again!

It has been snowing in Wells and the ski trails have been prepared again.

All meadow trails including Jola’s cut-off and Moose Island Loop have been track set (the last section of Moose Island Loop was not set due to open(ish) water, but it is OK to ski across).

Coronado Road has been track set. The A and B loops have been rollered flat.

Cornish Mountain Road is open for skiing again. It has been packed and rollered flat to the 2nd viewpoint – please do not go past this point as there is active logging going on. It will be track set the next time I go out – and if it keeps on snowing like it is at the moment, that will be soon.

Don’t forget that you can download trail maps, buy a WATS membership, or make a donation to help with track setting costs at our new website; www.wellstrails.ca.

And watch out for flying cyclists!

Coronado Road


Wells viewed through the snow from Moose Island Loop

Categories: XC Trails


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